Our purpose is to pursue and express the truth.
Diligent verification is critical. We take great care to ensure that statements of fact in our editorials are both correct and in context. In our columns, we rigorously challenge both the claims we encounter and the assumptions we bring. We devote our resources and our skills to presenting the fullest version of the truth we can deliver, placing the highest value on information we have gathered and verified ourselves.
We endeavor to be promptly responsive in correcting errors in material published on this website. When we run a correction, clarification or editor’s note, our goal is to tell readers, as clearly and quickly as possible, what was wrong and what is correct. Anyone should be able to understand how and why a mistake has been corrected.
When we correct significant errors of fact or substance, we will note those corrections within the corrected article. We admit, however, that this can be a lot for a very small team to process and we encourage you to contact us if you happen to catch an error in one of our columns. If you wish to assist us in this manner, use the previously provided contact link and provide the following:
- The URL (Web address) of the article on which you wish to have us correct.
- Your name and email address. This information will never be shared with any third party or used in any way except to verify your information, and to contact you for further details.
- The error. If appropriate, let us know how we can verify that we got wrong.
No payment or other consideration has been received from any company, product or person mentioned for placement on our editorial pages unless otherwise noted in the article itself.
We will correct minor errors of spelling, punctuation, and grammar on the website without notice.
Again, if you notice a factual error or misrepresentation in one of the columns on this website, please contact us to request a correction or clarification. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure our opinion pieces are as factually accurate as possible.