
Don Lemon Attempts to Paint All Republicans as Racists in Latest Pedantic Attack

Don Lemon’s nonsense exists for one reason and one reason only: So CNN can sell advertisements in between his rants.

The mainstream media has a purpose, that’s for sure – but it might not be what you think it is.

These mega-corporations are a businesses, first and foremost, and they rely on the competition between channels to remain in business.  They’re competing for advertisers, you see, and the more engagement they can get from the viewers, the more advertisers will spend to run ads with them.  To keep you engaged, they prey on your emotions. They scare you, they anger you, they appeal to your soft side – or they simply insult you.

That’s what Don Lemon of CNN is going for this week. 

Responding to reports about Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s (R-IL) family disavowing him for voting to impeach Trump, Lemon said, “There’s so much there when it comes to that letter Adam Kinzinger and Republicans and Trump supporters as a whole. Trump supporters have taken over the Republican Party. The Republican Party can no longer say that they don’t agree with the insurrectionists, with the bigots, with the racists, with the white supremacists, with the anti-Semites, because that’s what they have clearly shown through. Their actions, especially over the last five years.”

And that wasn’t all.

He continued, “With him showing that letter, first of all, they should probably figure out what Christianity really means, and I think that I would love to ask Adam Kinzinger that, but he has so far refused to come on the show and take questions, but I would like to ask him where were he — and I’m glad that he’s doing it, don’t get me wrong. I think we should take people where they are and then move forward. But I want to know where Republicans like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney and all of the others, where they were when this stuff was festering in the Republican Party for years? When people even before them when it was the welfare queens and Willie Hortons and Tea Party and effigies of Barack Obama and the bones in his nose and wasn’t born in this country, the Birtherism and all of that, all of the little things that led up to this moment, where were they? I think that people need to really answer for those things because we have to start at the beginning.”

Not only are Lemon’s insinuations insulting, but they also lack any basis in reality.  It’s as though he’s telling the world that all brown dogs are nice, but all grey dogs are prone to biting.


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