
Lindsey Graham Reveals List of ObamaGate Stooges Who’ll Be Called to Testify

This is HUGE!

A day of reckoning appears to be just over the horizon for the Obama administration, and Senator Lindsey Graham knows it.

As one of the key architects of the House Judiciary Committee’s probe into the origins of the RussiaGate ruse, Graham has long been promoting the theory that the Obama administration was involved in a scheme to cast doubt upon the validity of Donald Trump’s electoral victory in 2016.  Now, as his committee’s work begins to ramp up, a number of high profile officials from deep within the previous administration are on the short list to testify before Congress.

During a recent interview Hugh Hewitt’s radio program, Graham dropped a bombshell list of those who will be called to testify.

HEWITT: Now I have a series of questions. I just would like to know yes, no, I don’t know as to whether or not you will be calling as a witness to the Judiciary Committee the following people. Will you be subpoenaing James Comey?


HEWITT: Andrew McCabe?


HEWITT: John Brennan?


HEWITT: James Clapper?


HEWITT: Susan Rice?

GRAHAM: Don’t know.

HEWITT: Ben Rhodes?

GRAHAM: Don’t know. I’m having, Senator Johnson’s going to look at all the things that happened from the election to transition. His committee’s going to look at all that.

Earlier this week, President Trump declared that the ObamaGate scandal was a far larger plot that even that of Richard Nixon’s Watergate episode.  If Lindsey Graham really does pull in all of these witnesses, there is no doubt that the President’s prophecy will ring true.

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