
President Trump torches Google with bewildering stats regarding election interference in 2016

The President is pulling no punches.

There is no denying that we, as a nation, have allowed a fox into the henhouse when it comes to the First Amendment and the online world.

Due to the suddenness of the internet’s rise to prominence, there was little time for legislative bodies to react to the power consolidation of companies such as Facebook or Google.  These enormous corporations handle a vast majority of the bandwidth of the digital dimension, and have been working overtime to steer it in their own personal direction.

While this is expected in places such as North Korea and China, the First Amendment of the Constitution here in the United States exists explicitly to combat such bias within the public domain.

Scarier still is the impact that these companies can have on American elections – something that President Trump has been taking very seriously.

President Donald Trump claimed on Twitter that Google “manipulated” votes in the 2016 election that would have given him an even greater lead over his opponent and that the company “should be sued.”

Trump’s tweet appears to refer to documents leaked to conservative group Project Veritas, but the documents do not appear to contain any outright allegation of vote manipulation or attempts to bias the election. Zachary Vorhies, who identifies himself online as a former senior software engineer at Google, recently went public with his allegations in a Project Veritas video after initially leaking documents to the group anonymously that purported to show bias in how Google displays search results.

The leak gives ammunition to conservative lawmakers like Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., who have already accused tech companies including Google of suppressing conservative voices through biased algorithms.

The mainstream media has repeatedly suggested, as in the quoted bit above, that there is “no evidence” of direct voter manipulation, but those statements are missing a very big point – namely that there is no metric to even quantify such a claim.

We are talking solely about the bias in search results on the platform that have been shown, irrefutably, to favor left-leaning sources and mainstream infotainment channels while other platforms such as Twitter and Facebook continue to censor prominent conservative authors and pundits.

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