
Wednesday’s Vice Presidential Debate Will Feature Plexiglass Divider

The announcement was made just one day after President Trump returned to the White House to ride out the remainder of his COVID-19 infection.

The White House appears to be under siege these days, but not by any of the usual suspects.  No, this isn’t a week in which we are worried about protesters rushing the fences, or metaphorical moles and figurative rats.

No.  The White House is now a certifiable COVID-19 hotspot, with a number of high profile individuals now openly infected with the illness and more being tested every day.  This includes President Trump, of course, whose dramatic weekend visit to Walter Reed Medical Center had the nation on edge for days.

Spared during this outbreak, at least thus far, has been Vice President Mike Pence, who has consistently tested negative for coronavirus since new testing protocols were put into place.

But that hasn’t quelled concerns of Pence possibly being an asymptomatic spreader, and the presidential debate commission isn’t going to take any chances.

The Commission on Presidential Debates has approved plans for plexiglass to be used in Wednesday’s vice presidential debate amid mounting concerns about coronavirus transmission, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Plexiglass is expected to be used as a barrier between Vice President Mike Pence and California Sen. Kamala Harris, as well as between the two candidates and moderator Susan Page. The plans have the support of the Cleveland Clinic, which is helping to set health protocols for the forums amid the pandemic.

The Pence and Harris teams have been negotiating the terms of the debate in recent days. Following Friday’s news that President Donald Trump had contracted Covid-19, the debate commission decided to move the two candidates seats from seven feet to 13 feet apart.

The news comes after the Pence campaign openly chided Democratic VP nominee Kamal Harris for her concern, stating that the Senator could build “a fortress” around herself if she likes.

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